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Group Therapy

Group therapy can seem intimidating. That's why here at Lovewell, we make the process as personalized and streamlined as possible. Group therapy is a great way to catalyze your therapy process, hear different perspectives, experience a deeper sense of community, support, and accountability, and learn about yourself, others, and your relationships.  

Research has shown that group therapy is effective in changing people's perceptions of themselves in relationship, shifting behavior patterns, decreasing emotional avoidance, and improving communication. At Lovewell, our skilled clinicians do this through a blend of evidence-based techniques, processing, coaching, and therapeutic interventions. 

Recent Group Offering:

Deep Dating Book Club: ​If the Buddha Dated


Group Therapy can be for you if:

  • You're dating and wondering if/when/how to take things to the next level
  • You're at any stage of relationship and want to practice communication skills 
  • You're craving a sense of connection and community but don't know where to start 
  • You're feeling isolated, anxious, or low self-esteem in regards to your relationships
  • You feel a lack of motivation from "going it alone"  


Benefits include: 

  • Building connections with others who share your values
  • Getting support around moving on and letting go of what you can't change
  • Feeling more motivation to go deeper in your relationships and growth process
  • Increasing clarity in your love life
  • Amplifying your intention to bring more love into your life
  • Feeling more connection in your relationships and in your life
  • Establishing healthy supportive relationships and community where you can relate more deeply and authentically with people who share your values


Types of Group Therapy:


  • Members can process their recent, tragic, or impending loss in the context of loving in Lovewell relationship group therapy. Grieving tools, skills, and meditations will be introduced.


  • Participants have the opportunity to improve their communication skills, connect with others in a meaningful way, and get feedback on how their behavior affects others in the dynamic setting of group interactions.


  • Participants have the chance to develop mindful coping and communication skills to deal with emotional sensitivity, and practice relating with like-minded others in a safe, supportive cohort of peers. Subjects covered include dating, intentions, compassion, and connections with others.


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